Membership Information

Join the Shenandoah Region

Membership in the Shenandoah Region of AACA is open to anyone interested in the collection and preservation of antique automobiles — and related items. Owning an antique vehicle is not a requirement to join either the Shenandoah Region or AACA. Many of our members would be happy to assist you in finding an antique that meets your interest if asked to help.

Membership in the Shenandoah Region is $20 per year and due by January 1 (dues received on or after October 1st will be applied to the following year). To join, click here for the application, print the form, and bring it to one of our monthly meetings or mail it to us. A sponsor is not a requirement, but we would love to have you attend a meeting or one of our events as a guest.

Please Note: To be a member of any AACA Region or Chapter, you must be a member of the National AACA. This is their rule.  We will need your AACA National membership number submitted along with your application. If you have not received your AACA number yet, we will figure that out at a later date.